How to do New Year’s Eve at Home

Over the years, I've written a few blog posts about entering a new year. It's usually pretty varied, depending on the year. Foe example, I've talked about how I cried my way into the New Year in 2013 to how I was going to hit the ground running with New Year's resolutions in 2018. The usual pattern though is that my New Year's post is usually in the New Year. Saying that, seeing as 2020 is the year we're all doing things differently, I've decided to release the 2021 New Year's post early.

This is mainly because I wanted to have a conversation about how to celebrate New Year's Eve indoors. Here are my 3 top tips on how to do New Year’s Eve indoors:

  • Choose to celebrate. On the last day of 2020 as you approach New Year's Eve, do something you enjoy. Take a nap, read a book, cook a nice meal. Do something to acknowledge and celebrate the fact that you've made it through another year by the grace of God.
  • Clean and declutter. I know this might not be as exciting as starting the year with party poppers, but I love starting a New Year with a lovely clean flat and knowing that I've cleared my space of things I no longer need.
  • Attend church online. Those of you that follow my YouTube channel will know that I usually do the New Year's Eve countdown in church. Specifically, in a stadium with thousands of Christians worshipping God. This year, I'll be in my flat alone but seeing as I've been able to attend and enjoy church digitally for the last 9 months, I don't see why New Year’s Eve should be any different. Find out what your church is doing and if they aren't doing anything then join us at Jubilee Church.

Also no one said you can't have party poppers indoors. If you have Amazon Prime (click here for a free Amazon Prime trial), then your party poppers could still be delivered in time for New Year's Eve. Though if you have kids or neighbours with kids, maybe a quiet celebration dance will do. 

And for those of you that have people in your life that will be alone on New Year's Eve, please show up for them. You can share this post with them so they can plan ahead for the day. Also remember to pick up the phone and check on them. Watching their social media stories or liking a post isn't checking on someone. To check on someone, you need to pick up the phone, dial their number and ask, "how are you?"

On that note, I hope you are well and would like to wish you a Happy New Year. And if you'd like to see some of the points above in practice, then check out my 2021 New year's Eve Crossover vlog. 


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